Once again, we look forward to your input in helping make the CCP a sound business offering as a Membership benefit. Please forward any questions or insights to tracy@curlingontario.com.
Coaches Locker Updates
CCP Instructors are reminded to log into the Coaches Locker annually to update your profile with CAC. Many of you are missing email address, addresses are wrong, etc… CAC sends out valuable information regarding coaching, pd, etc… and CAC can’t reach you if your emails are out of date/missing.
Try Curling Now Showcase Training
The Curling Ontario Clinics Program is now offering a Try Curling Now Showcase Series. The program provides ONE CCP Instructor to selected Host Clubs for 5 hours (3 hrs TCN Open House, 2hrs Train-the-Trainer). Assigned CCP Instructors wishing assignment for these events are to review the TCN Instructor Training Video.
Mandatory Safe Sport Training
This past year we have seen a lot of activity in Ontario and Canada with respect to our responsibility as coaches. Specifically in Ontario, Rowan’s Law has come into effect. Rowan’s Law concerns our responsibility as coaches with respect to responding to athletes who may have suffered concussions. As well, the Safe Sport movement is a call to action for organizations to implement change that will protect athletes from unethical behavior from coaches. As a PSO it is our responsibility to make every effort to support this movement.
As a result, you will all be required to complete a process on the OCC’s Sideline Learning portal before you can be contracted by the Ontario Curling Council/Curling Ontario/NOCA in any role. You will receive an email for this process which covers Safe Sport Module, CRC upload, complete Rowan’s Law, etc.