Be the standard of the excellence for sport  development and participation in Ontario.

To inspire and energize Ontarians to be involved in curling.

PO Box 14527 Badly Street, Ajax, ON L1S 7L4 (905) 831-1757
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Lesson Plans & Resources

  /    /  Lesson Plans & Resources
#1: “Learn to Deliver”
#2: “Skills Analysis”
#3: “Video Analysis”
#4: “Strategy Clinic”
#5: “Stick Clinic”
#6: “Build Your Clinic”
Video Analysis Tools

CCP Instructors are to use either Hudl or similar video analysis applications on their own tablet or device. Note that Coach’s Eye has been discontinued. The app still works for those that previously downloaded it.

Download Hudl – Video Analysis (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Apple & Android

Hudl is free in the App Store; simply record from your mobile device for 1:1 instruction/training

  • A full inventory of training articles for this tool are available here
  • Summary: Hudl is a simple tool for any curling coach to use who is wanting to incorporate video coaching
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